The UNIVISA will be administered at 8 ports of entry as follows:
8 ports of entry: Lusaka Airport, Livingstone Airport, Livingstone land border, Kazungula (Botswana crossing - to either Livingstone or Victoria Falls), Harare Airport, Victoria Falls Airport, Victoria Falls land border
The UNIVISA will be issued at a standard fee of US$ 50 per person– where credit card point of sale facilities are not available at port of entry it is recommended that you have US$50 available for payment.
KAZA UNIVISAs will be valid for 30 days as long as you remain in Zimbabwe and Zambia and clients can cross into Zimbabwe/Zambia as frequently as they like within the 30 day period. If the UNIVISA is obtained at Victoria Falls and you cross over to Zimbabwe at Kariba or Chirundu or vice versa the visa will also be valid. It also covers visits to Botswana for day trips through the Kazangula Borders – it will not be valid if staying in Botswana overnight, in this case you would need to purchase a new Visa. The UNIVISA cannot be extended however you can buy a new UNIVISA (up to 3 per year).
Eligible Countries: Citizens from 40 countries listed below are eligible for the KAZA UNIVISA obtainable at the eight (8) ports of entry as stated above.
Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Burundi, Canada, Cook Is, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Rwanda, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, Uruguay, United Kingdom, USA
Clients will be directed to the dedicated counter where the special visa shall be issued – the visa is for holiday purposes only and not for business purposes.
If someone wants to enter Zambia or Zimbabwe whose Nationality is not listed above then normal (current) specific Zambia /Zimbabwe visa / entry requirements apply.
All current visa processes for both countries are still available and in operation however generally the UNIVISA will be more cost effective & efficient for a tourists requirements.
Please note during this pilot phase clients entering from Namibia, Malawi and other Botswana borders will not be able to purchase the Univisa – the Univisa is ONLY available at the 8 ports of entry previously mentioned.
For further details:, or e-mail Zambia Tourism Board: [email protected] or Zimbabwe Tourism Authority [email protected]